Addition and Subtraction for Multiple-Digit Numbers and Other Topics
Beta builds on the foundation in Alpha and advances to multiple-digit addition and subtraction. An important concept introduced in Alpha but expanded in Beta is the concept of place value. Understanding this concept is necessary for complete comprehension of multiple-digit operations. Our place value chart and math manipulatives allow your student to see place value in action.

Scope and Sequence
Sample Lesson
Placement Tool
The Four-Step Approach
Beta Products
What do I need?
To successfully complete the Beta level, you will need:
- Instruction Manual — includes detailed instructions and solutions
- Instructional lesson videos — available on DVD or streaming online
- Student Workbook — includes Lesson Practice, Systematic Review, and Application and Enrichment worksheets
- Tests booklet
- Integer Block Kit
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Purchasing for a classroom?
Typically, sets are not recommended for a classroom setting. If you are purchasing for a school or large group, please contact our School Sales Team.
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- Provides customized quotes—ensuring you receive the correct products at the best pricing
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