The Demme Learning Guild
Get access to free math activities, games, music, and webinars.
Visit the Demme Learning Guild
Digital Toolbox
Access the first three lessons of each level of the Math-U-See Curriculum, virtual manipulatives, and helpful online content.
Stewardship Calculators
Access the Loan Calculator and Investment Calculator for use with our Stewardship Math program.
Our Stewardship Calculators have moved. You can now access this free resource at Find out more here.
Online Drill Tool
Let your student review their math facts online. Online drills are a great way to improve fluency.
Our Online Drill Tool has moved. You can now access this free resource on our Digital Toolbox. Find out more here.
Errata & Print Corrections
We strive to provide the most accurate content for our customers, but occasionally an error slips through.
Whether you have a question about shipping or are struggling with a specific math problem, we are here to help.
Resources by Level
Resources that are specific to a Math-U-See Curriculum level or AIM program level can now be found in our Support Center.
Worksheet Generator
Need extra practice for your student? Generate extra practice pages using this tool.
Our Worksheet Generator has moved. You can now access this free resource on our Digital Toolbox. Find out more here.
Individual Placement
Our interactive placement tool will help you find the proper placement for your student. This questionnaire includes yes/no questions and example problems to work through with your student if more clarity is needed.
Classroom Placement
The classroom placement tests give insight that will allow you to determine the appropriate level for each student’s initial placement. Additionally, a baseline is established to help support later data-driven assessment and progress monitoring.
Professional Access
Professional Access gives teachers additional tools that support Math-U-See in a school setting. Professional Access is included with our product training sessions.
Resources in the Professional Access section of the Digital Toolbox include:
- Documentation & Process Monitoring forms
- Lesson Preparation documents
- Learning Activities
- Access to the Worksheet Generator and Online Drills
Click here for more information about Professional Access and our useful product training program.
Professional Access has moved. You can now access this resource on our Digital Toolbox. Find out more here.